
How do I index my website on Google?

Google is a search engine that works automatically. Any new web page that is uploaded will be indexed by Google automatically. But, what happens if the days go by and my website still does not appear in the results?

The answer is simple: notify Google manually!

This process is used to index a new page or after making significant changes in a section and we do not want to wait for the famous “Google spider” to read it.

How do I do it? – 6 STEPS

1º Enter your “Webmaster Tools” and click on the site you want to index.

2º In the Control Panel click on “Tracking / Explore as Google.”

3º Put the URL that you want to track.

4th Select web.

5th Click on “Recover.”

6º When the poster appears indicating the following message: “Correct Procedure”, click on “Send to the index” and, once this is done, these 2 options will be paired:

  • To send a URL individually select “URL”
  • To send a URL and all its sections select “URL and all pages”


This is the manual process for Google to index your page and you don’t have to wait for the spider to do it.

I hope it helps you!

Written by: Kamal Chauhan

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